• RETURNING TO TEACHING Delma Ibarra will be teaching grades 3-5 science, social studies, keyboarding, and working with gifted and talented students at Silverton. She is a Quitaque native and, with her husband, Rudy, she owns the Bison Café in Quitaque. She graduated from WestTexas A&M University and has served in the education field for 20 years. She has served as a teacher, curriculum assessment specialist and assistant principal. | COURTESY PHOTO
    RETURNING TO TEACHING Delma Ibarra will be teaching grades 3-5 science, social studies, keyboarding, and working with gifted and talented students at Silverton. She is a Quitaque native and, with her husband, Rudy, she owns the Bison Café in Quitaque. She graduated from WestTexas A&M University and has served in the education field for 20 years. She has served as a teacher, curriculum assessment specialist and assistant principal. | COURTESY PHOTO

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