Chocolate sheet cake welcome addition to any picnic

  • Chocolate sheet cake welcome
    Chocolate sheet cake welcome
  • PERFECT FOR PICNICS This cake works well for transporting—it’s not a layer cake, or precarious in any way. | ANGELINA LARUE
    PERFECT FOR PICNICS This cake works well for transporting—it’s not a layer cake, or precarious in any way. | ANGELINA LARUE
  • Chocolate sheet cake welcome
    Chocolate sheet cake welcome
Spring is certainly in the air, and we are probably all itching to be outdoors. I love seeing my neighbors out and about again. And when the West Texas wind isn’t making an appearance, it’s nice to enjoy the backyard, parks, and going to the lake. My family always seems to make food a big part of our outings. Taking a drive, even when the weather isn’t lovely, and stopping for a roadside picnic…

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